Hours : Mon To Fri - 10AM - 07PM, Sunday Closed

Step 2: Set up Students data


Step 1: Start Here

Step 2: Set up Students data  

Step 3 : Sudomain and Website Configuration  (Not compulsory but recommended).

step 4:  Disable Modules Not required (Not compulsory but recommended).

Step 2: 

Setting Up Your Institution: A Step-by-Step Guide

This guide will walk you through the essential steps to configure your institution's data within the system.

Step 2: Establishing Class and Section Structure

  1. Creating Sections:

    • Navigate to: Academic -> Class & Section -> Control Classes -> Section tab.
    • Click "Section" and enter the desired section name (e.g., "A").
    • Save your changes.
  2. Creating Classes:

    • Within the same location (Academic -> Class & Section -> Control Classes), create a new class.
    • Customize the class name to suit your institution's structure. Examples include:
      • Standard Academic: Class 1, Class 2, etc.
      • Skill-Based: Basics, Foundation, Advanced Level 1,2,3 etc.
      • Coaching/Training: Batch, Elite, Champion.
    • Consider these naming conventions for diverse learning environments:
      • General & Academic:
        • Foundation Batch: For introductory courses.
        • Mastery Program: For advanced specialization.
        • Excellence Class: For high-performance learners.
        • Elite Course: For premium, specialized training.
        • Skill Booster: For targeted skill enhancement.
      • Yoga, Dance, Music & Art:
        • Rhythm & Grace: For movement-based classes.
        • Harmony Hub: For musical or meditative practices.
        • Zen Flow: For mindfulness and flexibility.
        • Creative Sparks: For artistic expression.
        • Express & Impress: For performance-oriented disciplines.
      • Sports & Fitness:
        • Power Moves: For combat sports or strength training.
        • Active Zone: For general fitness and athleticism.
        • Champion’s League: For competitive sports training.
        • Peak Performance: For endurance and advanced fitness.
        • Warrior Training: For high-intensity or self-defense programs.

Step 3: Adding Teachers and Staff ( Only if your academy requires it)

  1. Define Designations:

    • Navigate to: Employee -> Add Designation.
    • Enter relevant designations (e.g., Director, Principal, Teacher, Librarian, Accountant, Aaya).
  2. Create Departments:

    • Navigate to: Employee -> Add Department.
    • Add departments relevant to your institution (e.g., Office Staff, Finance, Library, Arts / Humanities, General, Commerce, Science, Sports).
  3. Add Employee Profiles:

    • Navigate to: Employee -> Add Employee.
    • Complete the employee profile with required details.
    • Login Details: These credentials will be used by the employee to access website. You may share this username/password with them, if you wish.
    • Bank Details: If not required, select "Skip Bank Details."
    • Role Management: Assign appropriate roles. Caution: Admin roles grant extensive system privileges. Exercise caution when assigning these roles. Don't give it to all.
    • Similarly, you can add more employees like office staff, Accountants etc.

Step 4: Assigning Teachers to Classes

Step 5: Enrolling Students

  1. Student Admission Categories:

    • Navigate to: Admission -> Category.
    • Create admission categories (e.g. General,OBC,,SC/ST, Science,,Commerce, Arts / Humanities, Hindu,,Muslim, Christian, Bhudhist, Jain, Transferred, Open School etc.)
    •  Alternatively, use a single "General" category.
  2. Student Admission:

    • Navigate to: Admission -> Create Admission.
    • Complete the student admission form.
    • Login Details: These credentials will be used by the student and the parent to access website. You may share this username/password with them, if you wish.
    • Mandatory Fields: Only fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
    • Mandatory Fields: To disable mandatory fields (e.g., Guardian Occupation), navigate to: Settings -> System Student -> Fields.
  3. Student Data Import:

    • Alternatively, upload student data via an Excel/CSV file.  Admission -> Multi Import

Step 6: Setting Up Fee Collection

  1. Fee Types:

    • Navigate to: Student Accounting -> Fee Types.
    • Define fee types (e.g., Admission Fees, Monthly Fees, Library Fees etc).
    • Create individual entries for each monthly fee (e.g., January Fees, February Fees).
  2. Fee Groups:

    • Navigate to: Student Accounting -> Fee Groups.
    • Create fee groups (e.g., Class 1 Fee Group).
    • Assign relevant fee types, due dates, and amounts to each group.
    • It means same Fees Type could be added in multiple Fee Groups with different due dates and Amount.
  3. Fee Allocation:

    • Allocate fee groups to the appropriate classes.
  4. Fee Collection and Reporting:

    • To collect fees: Fees Pay/Invoice.
    • To view outstanding fees: Due Fees Invoice.
    • Generate comprehensive reports in the Reports section. Though, In Reports section "Due Fees report" shows Total Due fees for whole allocation.

Based on your specific needs, explore other settings such as:


Step 1: Start Here

Step 2: Set up Students data  

Step 3 : Sudomain and Website Configuration  (Not compulsory but recommended).

step 4:  Disable Modules Not required (Not compulsory but recommended).